
The awards are piling up for our Davis Museum catalogs

Stoltze Design is proud to announce the inclusion of Charlotte Brooks at LOOK and The Game Worlds of Jason Rohrer, two catalogs for the Davis Museum at Wellesley College, in the 2017 Communication Arts 58th Design Annual. One hundred and sixty-one projects were selected by a jury of creative professionals; 4,228 entries were submitted to the competition.

For the last few years, Stoltze has been creating exhibition catalogs, posters, exhibition graphics, and other marketing materials for the Davis Museum at Wellesley College, including this year’s winning titles, as well as The Medici’s Painter: Carlo Dolci and 17th-Century FlorenceKäthe Kollwitz and the Women of War, and the forthcoming Eddie Martinez: Ants at a Picknic.

Check out our winning entries, Charlotte Brooks at LOOK and The Game Worlds of Jason Rohrer, and our other projects for the Davis on our website.